With the current increase of Image Size and Image Acquisition Speed we have seen a issue for our users to handle these big data with regards to acquisition speed, converting, handling, analysing and organizing.

Therefore we have found a tested solution, HIVE!

HIVE is a High Speed Centralized Data Repository that solves the problem of constantly move or duplicate data sets, high speed acquisition over long times and analysis of big data sets.

The HIVE has a small footprint (60x55x80cm) and has a modular design with:

  • CORE: High-end workstation
  • DATA: Secure and fast data storage
  • NET: Connecting acquisition systems and computers to the data

Depending on the needs of each customer (lab, core facility) we can optimize the HIVE configuration for the best data processing efficiency e.g.  if you require more storage, processing power, dedicated network bandwidth or a custom solution, we can simply add more modules at any time.

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You can visit  http://www.saneasia.com/solutions/big-data/hive/ for more details.

There is much more to explain about the data security, connectivity and acquisition speed,
do contact us for more specifics at http://emsisasia.com/contact-us/ or give us a call!

