An advanced SPARC system was sold to the University of Oslo in Norway. This will be the second SPARC at that university, but with totally different applications. The first SPARC system in Oslo is primarily used for geological research, while the new system will be installed at the department of Physics. Their main application will be characterization of semi-conductor materials, at extreme temperatures and focussing on both the UV and IR sides of the spectrum. The system will be installed on a JEOL IT300 SEM and it will show the extreme modularity of the system as well as the outstanding CL performance over the complete spectral range of 185-1700 nm.  This will be a perfect example to show your prospects the possibilities of the SPARC in this field.

SPARC Mirror


The European Microscopy Conference (EMC2016) in Lyon, France will be held from Monday 29th of August until Friday 2nd of September ( DELMIC will exhibit and has a Hitachi SU5000 with both a SPARC and a SECOM for demonstration. People will be able to bring their own samples an the DELMIC specialists will be present to answer all technical and application questions. Please share this information with your colleagues and customers in case they are interested to visit France.